
Accurate, individual and clear.

Smart Freelancer brings structure to workflows and offers an efficient way to manage processes economically.

Company Use
1. Create Activities

Create the individual tasks you want to assign to your freelancers. For example, office administration, graphic design, website maintenance, copywriting or any other activity.

4. Let's Go

Now the freelancer can document his work to you with a few clicks.

2. Create Freelancer Account

The client creates a freelancer account with a few clicks. Each freelancer can be assigned either a flat hourly wage or different hourly wages depending on the activities.

5. Confirm Services

The client can confirm any activity recorded by the freelancer. This is write-protected and can no longer be adjusted by the freelancer. This ensures that all evaluations are also displayed correctly at the end.

3. Create Projects

The client can create different projects on which the freelancer can work. The freelancer can select these projects and spend time on them.

Keep overview

The client can see in real time the activities entered by the freelancer and the associated costs. A filter can be used to sort by freelancer, projects and individual time periods, and the result can be displayed compactly.

Agency Use
1. Create Customer Account

The client first creates one or more clients so that they can later be assigned to different freelancers, depending on which freelancer is working on which client project.

5. Let's Go

Now the freelancer can document his work to you with a few clicks.

2. Create Activities

Create the individual tasks you want to assign to your freelancers. For example, office administration, graphic design, website maintenance, copywriting or any other activity.

6. Confirm Activities

The client can confirm any activity recorded by the freelancer. This is write-protected and can no longer be adjusted by the freelancer.

3. Create Freelancer Account

The client now creates a freelancer with a few clicks. Each freelancer can be assigned either a flat hourly wage or different hourly wages depending on the activities.

6. Invoicing services to customers

So that the client knows which projects and activities he has already invoiced to his customers, each activity that has already been charged to the end customer can be marked. This way, the client keeps track of everything and nothing gets lost.

4. Create Projects

The client can create different projects on which the freelancer(s) can work. Each project is assigned to a client. The freelancer can select this one and spend time on it.

Keep Overview

The client can see in real time the activities entered by the freelancer and the associated costs. A filter can be used to sort by freelancer, client, project and individual time periods, and the result can be displayed compactly.

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Facilitation for the freelancer, reporting included

With Smart Freelancer, your freelancer not only saves time compared to other time tracking systems, but both the client and the freelancer get a well-structured interface at the same time, through which the working hours can be recorded and then evaluated in a short time.

The freelancer does not always have to design and send weekly or monthly evaluations to the client, in which errors can also creep in, but the client can now pull the evaluations himself at any time.

1. Registration

The freelancer logs in with the user data provided by the client.

3. Overview

With Smart Freelancer, the freelancer can see all his activities clearly displayed, sort and filter them by projects and/or clients.

2. Time Recording

With a few mouse clicks, the freelancer creates a task, describes his activity, specifies the duration in minutes and assigns it to a client and a specific project.

4. Create Invoice

Through the filter option, the freelancer can also, for example, select a specific period of time or a client and display the time spent on it, on the basis of which an invoice can then be created for the client.


As a rule, freelancers do not work for just one client. For this reason, Smart Freelancer is designed to be cross-system. This means that all companies for which the freelancer works and which use our tool are compatible with each other. If a company creates a freelancer who has already been created in the system via another client, he receives a message and can transfer the freelancer directly to his company.

Thus, the freelancer can optionally manage all clients via Smart Freelancer after coordination with his clients and only selects the respective client before entering activities.

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